posted by DKDrumAdm1n in Blog News

FILL IDEAS : 10 OF 10: Triplet 2 way cross

This is a cool idea I took from Dennis Chambers years ago. It’s played as triplets and the whole idea behind it is that your wands are moving around the kit in different directions crossing when they meet. My RIGHT hand goes over the top of my LEFT. Playing triplets… read more

posted by DKDrumAdm1n in Blog News

FILL IDEAS : 9 OF 10 : DOWN FILL (Cymbal Catch)

  Here is a great fill by the man himself Travis Barker. This fill is taken from the Blink 182 song ‘Down’ which is from their Self Titled album 2004. This fill happens at the end of the first chorus leading back into the intro groove. The fill always stood… read more