DRUM CLINIC feat Dan Kerby and Stevie Cat Jnr

posted by DKDrumAdm1n in Blog News

Dan Kerby and Stevie Cat Jnr Drum CLini

Stoked to announce my first Drum Clinic appearance alongside my mate and beast drummer Stevie Cat Jnr. Zildjian will be filming a live clip on the night as a part of their ‘Performance Series’. The clinic is FREE and will be held at Five Star Music Ringwood (Melbourne). Five Star Music has a new drum section featuring a bunch of Pearl, Zildjian, Vic Firth and Remo products which will be discounted on the night. Come and check it out, be a part of the clip, see how it’s created and also get your hands on a bunch of one off deals on the night!! I will be accompanied by Aaron Schultz of Behind Crimson Eyes on the night. Will be mashing up a bunch of Behind Crimson Eyes tracks form ‘A Revelation For Despair’ and unreleased new material which we are currently writing. I will also smash out a few Bliss N Eso tracks which I played on the ‘Circus Under the Stars’ tour last year, some classic 28 Days tracks and some of my own remixes. Then, a drum off with the great Stevie Cat Jnr….Hell Yeah!!!