posted by DKDrumAdm1n in Blog News



Here we have the simple sticking of RLK played as triplets. This is the triplet version of ‘FILL IDEA 2 OF 10′ which also had the RLK sticking but was played as straight 16th notes. This triplet version will most likely be easier to play as the 3 grouping feels more natural played as a triplet. Like 2 OF 10 I am using this RLK sticking and moving my hands between the Hi Hat and Floor tom. This makes it a little more tricky. It creates it’s own sounding odd pattern and visually looks cool. Start with your RIGHT hand on the floor and LEFT hand on the Hi Hat, then the next rotation though the lick swap so your RIGHT hand is then on the Hi Hat and LEFT hand is on the floor.

The easiest way to learn this is to check out the transcription which is here :

Screen Shot 2016-01-14 at 3.01.42 pm


The 4 (snare) can be played as a flam or a single hit on either hand. RIGHT would be most effective if you’re playing the fill quickly. Try it with a flam on the 4 and see how you go!!