Learn to play drums in Melbourne now! Dan Kerby is now offering drum lessons in Melbourne and Ballarat. The DK Drums Academy covers all styles and all levels of drumming, from beginner to advanced. All ages are welcome. We currently have students ranging from 5 years old to 60 years old. DK Drums Academy proudly endorses Zildjian cymbals, Pearl drums and hardware, Vic Firth drum sticks, Audix Microphones and Remo drum heads.
Melbourne Studio: 3 Harris St, Yarraville 3013
Ballarat Studio : Dana St, Ballarat 3350
A note from DK
“I have been playing in the Australian music scene professionally for over a decade. I’ve put my heart and soul into drumming and learnt a lot along the way. I believe that drums are one of the most enjoyable and physically demanding instruments to play. I was lucky as a junior as I always had my father to teach me the correct technique and guide me along the way with his amazing drum course and knowledge. However most young drummers do not have the same luxury I had as a young drummer. This is why I am offering my knowledge and skills to the next generation of drummers. Although I had someone there to guide me through the drumming side of things, I found it hard to find a mentor that was an active member of the Australian Music Scene that could guide me through the business side of things. All I ever wanted was to be a touring drummer in a great band. I had the drumming skills but I had no idea how to get from drumming in my bedroom to drumming to thousands of people. When I’m performing to thousands of people now with my various acts, I still get overwhelmed with joy and satisfaction knowing that I have made that distant dream as a kid a reality today. It has not been easy but I believe the knowledge and experience I’ve gained along the way can be passed onto aspiring young drummers to fast track their journey as a successful musician.”
The students in Ballarat will be learning drums on Pearl’s newest digital drum kit the E-Pro with Zildjian Gen 16 cymbals. Melbourne students will be taught on an acoustic Pearl Masters kit with a custom finish and an array of Zildjian’s finest cymbals.
Ever wanted to learn to play the drums? Have been playing drums for a while and you have hit a wall? Are you wanting to explore different styles of drumming, learn new ideas? Perhaps you want a little help writing drum parts for your band or you want to record a drum cover? Whatever your need, our course at the DK Drums Premium Drum Academy is right for you! Send us an email via our CONTACT US section and we will respond ASAP.